July 2023 Party

Foster Children Visit Miss Navajo Nation

Our Annual July 4th party introduces First Responders to our children in a fun and non-threatening way. This year was no different. Our day of fun was hot, but everyone cooled down with the massive water-fight.
All were treated to a lovely lunch of subs and All-American apple pie. A build-a-boat boat race course, and the ever popular water soakers, with the children ganging up on the Gladiator Football Team and New Mexico United Soccer Team, ensured that anyone in the way got a refreshing splash of water as well. A great day of fun for everyone.
We appreciate the Rio Rancho Police, the Rio Rancho Fire Department and Rio Rancho Paramedics for always showing up. Many thanks to County Commissioner Joshua Jones and Senator Brenda McKenna for their generous donation to Luggage for Kids and to State Representative Kathleen Cates for her generous donation of all those delicious pies. We want to recognize the Duke City Gladiators and New Mexico United, we can always count on you to make a difference in the lives of our children.