Red Mountain Family Services is now certified in COVID-SAFE Practices through the New Mexico Safe Certified Training Program. Red Mountain has plans in place for the safety of our
staff and clients.

COVID-19 is a highly infectious and fast-spreading virus. Symptoms and their effects can range from mild to severe and in certain cases result in extreme health complications and death. Positive cases have been identified in communities across New Mexico. State health officials continue to test, process, monitor and track instances of the virus — and the state of New Mexico has taken proactive, aggressive public health actions to mitigate the spread of the disease.

For more information, please visit the New Mexico Health Department’s website for the latest news, guidance, and wide range of resources related to COVID-19 in the state.

To become a Treatment Foster Parent call: 505-362-6875

Current Safety & Health Updates

Safety is a top priority and focus of Red Mountain Family Services, for the clients we serve, their biological family, the treatment foster parents and families, and our staff.

Emergency Preparedness Plan

Red Mountain believes planning for emergencies, is the best way to control any situation before it could become a disaster.

Infectious Diseases

Red Mountain Treatment Foster Parents, Children and Staff are required to adhere to the New Mexico and CYFD mandates relating to infectious diseases and pandemics. We have taken, and will continue to take steps to reduce all risks of exposure to COVID or any other infectious disease. We have clear safety plans and have an immediate response to any city, state, or national crisis that could affect our program.

Home Safety

Part of emergency preparedness is to provide a safe home environment for all of the children. We provide a Home Safety Checklist to all of our Treatment Foster Families to ensure the safety of in their home. Red Mountain follows up on the safety of items that make up the actual house; heating, cooling, ventilation, electrical, smoke detectors, water and sanitation. And items in the home; food, food storage, first aid and the accessibility of medicines, sleeping arrangements, age appropriate child safety gates and cabinet locks, outdoor play space, types of toys, safety around pets and the security of all weapons.

And established Fire Escape plan is communicated to all that are living in the home

Public Safety

Red Mountain requires all Treatment Foster Families to act in a reasonable safe manner in their day to day activities.

Non Violent Workplace

Red Mountain is committed to a non-violent work place. We have a strict no-tolerance policy for violence and have procedures in place to prevent any possible threat. We believe that violent behavior often begins with verbal threats and controlling behavior that overtime could escalate to involve physical harm. Outside and inside security cameras are installed to protect our staff, Treatment Foster Parents, children, birth families and other visitors to our office. Our staff is encouraged, without fear of retribution, to report all suspicious behavior they encounter on social media, at home or in the workplace.