Qualities of a
Treatment Foster
Care Parent

It’s not a job for just anyone. It really is a calling. Only one in 15 families who begin the process to become treatment foster parents will actually complete the requirements and become licensed to care for treatment foster children.

  • Are you a good communicator
  • Are you a problem solver
  • Are you patient
  • Are you nurturing and are you able to show compassion
  • Are you flexible
  • An established family routine.
  • A sense of humor doesn’t hurt.

Does this sound like you? We need you. Contact the Treatment Foster Care
Recruiter at 505-994-0364.

To become a Treatment Foster Parent call: 505-362-6875

Become a Treatment Foster Parent and You Can Turn a Life Around

At any given time, there are between 2,000 and 2,600 children in foster care in New Mexico. We need your help to stop horrific child abuse and neglect in our state. We are doing all we can, but we just can’t do it alone. Red Mountain Family Services Treatment Foster Care is designed to provide safe and nurturing care to a child in a more structured home environment than typical foster care. We equip our TFC parents with specialized training to care for the wide variety of children we serve. Typically these children have significant emotional, behavioral, or social issues, or medical needs.
  • Our Treatment Foster Parents Feel Supported by Our Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff
  • Exceptional Salary and Compensation
  • LGBTQ+ Applicants Welcomed
  • We Offer Extended Respite of Up To 3 weeks

High Standards

Our standards for Treatment Foster Parents are very high. We believe we have the very best, talented and dedicated individuals who are motivated to care for children with complex needs. To be considered, all applicants must be 18+, pass a criminal check, and home study. Before placing any child in their care each applicant must complete all training.

Equal Opportunity

Red Mountain believes that a terrific Treatment Foster Parent doesn’t always fit a certain mold. We believe that their dedication to helping children is more important that the color of their skin, the person they love or the church they attend. We welcome all to apply to be a Treatment Foster Parent.


Red Mountain follows CDC guidelines in regards to COVID-19 protocols. Our goal is keeping families safe, thru the COVID pandemic. Safety is the number one mission and focus of Red Mountain Family Services, for the clients we serve, their biological family, the treatment foster parents and families, and our staff.

Start the Process Today

The process to become a Treatment Foster Care Parent takes between 6 to 12 weeks and begins with a phone screening with the Red Mountain’s treatment foster parent recruiter at 505-994-0364.