To become a Treatment Foster Parent call: 505-362-6875
See what people are saying
“After watching my brother and his wife foster children, my husband and I decided that we too wanted to be a part of the solution to help families and children, right here, in New Mexico. It has been seven years since we made that decision and began working with Red Mountain Family Services. When we were looking for a foster agency to work with, Red Mountain stood out amongst the others because of their friendly and professional staff. Over the years we have opened our hearts and our home to children who need love and support. If you are looking for a way to make a difference in a child’s life, choose to be a foster parent with Red Mountain and like us, you too will make a difference.”
Tammy and John K, Treatment Foster Parents
“For seven years, my husband and I have been treatment foster parents with Red Mountain Family Services (RMFS). Being foster parents has given us one of the most rewarding opportunities we have had as we have been able to share our love and home with children who desperately need adults in their lives. These children often have no other family members to depend on and they look to caring adults in the community to help them. Red Mountain Family Services gives families the opportunity to be those adults who step up to help children in need. Red Mountain provides the training and support to be successful foster parents. If you would like to make a difference in a child’s life as we have, you too should consider being foster parents with Red Mountain Family Services.”
Megan and Jonathan, Treatment Foster Parents