Graduation Party

Willow graduated and we threw her a Graduation Party. We are so proud of our graduate, and were so honored to host this party. Lots of good food, a DJ and cute decorations that were made by the Treatment Foster mom and dad. Support came from many friends, high school administrators, all of the foster families, and of course city leaders who are always so supportive of Red Mountain. High school graduation is not the norm for children in New Mexico’s foster system and we couldn’t be more excited for Willow and her future.

If you are interested please call: (505) 994-0364

Red Mountain Family Services, Inc.
is located at 2001 Spring Drive, Rio
Rancho, New Mexico 87124
(North of the intersection of Southern and Unser)

We look forward to talking with you!

To become a Treatment Foster Parent call: 505-362-6875

Latest News

Graduation Party

Willow graduated and we threw her a Graduation Party. We are so proud of our graduate, and were so honored to host this party. Lots of good food, a DJ and cute decorations that were made by the Treatment Foster mom and dad. Support came from many friends, high school administrators, all of the foster families, and of course city leaders who are always so supportive of Red Mountain. High school graduation is not the norm for children in New Mexico’s foster system and we couldn’t be more excited for Willow and her future.

Spreading the Love for Luggage for Kids

A Huge Thank You to our friends Belinda Franco and the Venturi Realty Group. These realtors and all of their community made Valentine's Day extra special this year for over 100 of New Mexico's Children in Foster Care. By donating and collecting new pieces of luggage, toiletries, stuffed animals and more. Luggage for Kids, a non profit  run, at no cost, by Red Mountain Family Services, gives luggage to children in New Mexico's foster care system. The simple act of giving a piece of luggage to a child that enters the foster care system is the first step in their journey .

Chris’ Kitchen Dedication

We dedicated our Kitchen to celebrate the generosity of past Board member Chris Chambers. Chris served as a Board Member of Red Mountain Family Services and was dedicated to serving the children in New Mexico's Foster Care system. Attending the dedication were her husband, children and grandchildren. Also attending were her friends from her church alongside the children and Treatment Foster Families and Staff of Red Mountain. This event took place during our Annual Thanksgiving luncheon.