Foster Families Needed
Red Mountain Family Services, Inc. Treatment Foster Care Program
We are recruiting interested families who would like to be trained and licensed to provide Treatment Foster Care to children ages four to nineteen.
These children have behavioral health problems and will rely on you in assisting them in changing their behaviors.
In order to be licensed you must complete the following:
• Criminal Records Checks
• A Home Study
• 40 hours of training
• Be willing to work collaboratively with professionals
• Understand that your home is to be a therapeutic environment for the treatment foster child placed with you
If you are interested please call:
(505) 994-0364
Red Mountain Family Services, Inc.
is located at 2001 Spring Drive
Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124
(North of the intersection of Southern and Unser)
We look forward to talking with you!!!
If you are interested please call: (505) 994-0364
Red Mountain Family Services, Inc.
is located at 2001 Spring Drive, Rio
Rancho, New Mexico 87124
(North of the intersection of Southern and Unser)
We look forward to talking with you!

To become a Treatment Foster Parent call: 505-362-6875
Remembering Chris Chambers
Red Mountain Family Services recently suffered the loss of a caring, dedicated and vivacious Board member. Christine (Chris) Chambers a long time resident of Albuquerque, died from a long bout of cancer on September 16, 2023.
Chris was loved by her family, friends and obviously the staff and friends of Red Mountain Family Services. She was no nonsense, gentle and caring all at the same time. She had a way of making you feel special and valued as a person. She had the gift of hospitality, and used that gift on many occasions when we had parties for the children in the Treatment Foster Care program at our office. Chris could be seen handing out the food and goodies making sure no one left hungry for food or a kind word. She instilled that caring and serving heart to her family, bringing a granddaughter along to help on several occasions.
Because we will always miss Chris, we have decided to honor her by renaming our kitchen Chris’ Kitchen. There we will be able to see her name and remember how she left our world a better place.

Chris’ Kitchen Dedication
We dedicated our Kitchen to celebrate the generosity of past Board member Chris Chambers. Chris served as a Board Member of Red Mountain Family Services and was dedicated to serving the children in New Mexico’s Foster Care system. Chris’ family joined us as we revealed our signage for Red Mountain’s newly named Kitchen after our beloved Chris. May her memory be eternal- and we have no doubt it will. Big thank you to Danny Montoya, our board member who helped dedicate this sign today. We enjoyed talking to the Treatment Foster Parents, and Chris’ Family and Friends. Remembering her puts a smile on our face. This event took place during our Annual Thanksgiving luncheon.